Absolutely stunning-fascinating how tremendously well this is written and how clearly it depicts a true struggle of spiritual proportions


I haven’t posted in a long while. I have been writing more for the drawer rather than for the public. This one I actually wrote around six months ago or more, but didn’t have enough courage to share it. It spent a long time in the drawer too.
Fear aside. Courage aside. Here it is.

“I’m Sorry”

It all starts well

It all starts innocently

First look

First smile

First imagined touch

First conversation

First laugh

First “chin-chin”

First intimacy

First argument and first reconciliation

You have a feeling that you are made for each other.

You are cautious at first

After all, what are the chances?

Panic creeps in from behind and overtakes you, grabs you by the throat and tilts back your head

Looks you in the eye, lowers its head and whispers into your ear: “this cannot last”.

“Do you remember the past? Do you remember how…

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